News & Events

National Poetry Day


On Thursday 4th October it was National Poetry Day and the theme this year was ‘Change’. Here is a little about what some of the classes did to

In the library, we set up a few poetry circles using the library seating and bean bags during morning break time. Popular poetry books by the likes of Michael Rosen, Spike Milligan, Neal Zetter, Roger McGough, A.A Milne and Shel Silverstein (among many others) were laid out for children to read from. Year 6 librarians had selected some well loved poems which we copied and laminated. The older girls then read poems out loud to the younger ones. During lesson time we had a poetry display in the library and a special challenge – 1 house point to anyone who could find a poem relating to CHANGE. There were many takers among Year 3 (who are extremely keen on climbing the house points ladder!)

Year 2 enjoyed reading the poem ‘It’s Raining Pigs and Noodles’ by Jack Prelutsky. We looked at the features of this humorous poem and used our own rhyming words and alliteration to write our own versions! Year 3 are studying the weather and seasons in geography this term, so they linked their poems to this topic. They wrote poems about the changes that occur in their favourite places.

Year 5 looked at a beautiful book called ‘The Lost Words’ by Robert Macfarlane. They experimented with descriptive phrases to make original acrostic poems about an animal of their choice. Year 6 explored the ways in which humans are changing the environment. They researched an environmental issue that was interesting to them and created a poem to represent their feelings about it. There were some very mature and thought-provoking messages! Here is a selection of a few of the poems that were created throughout the week.

Mrs Cadenhead


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