The Parents’ Association

The Parents’ Association

The Glendower Parents’ Association (PA) exists to liaise between parents and the school on non-academic issues, and to organise useful, social and fundraising events for pupils and parents.

There are between seven and nine Committee members as well as an annually selected Form Representative for each year group. Each member of the Committee has responsibility for individual aspects of the Association’s activities, such as organising the Book Fair, arranging Heads’ Night, liaising with the uniform supplier with queries about school uniform, and so on. Committee membership is held for a two year term.

For the girls

The PA arranges three main events for the girls throughout the year. The Christmas Bazaar is open to family and friends and money raised is shared between charities and the school.  The Autumn Term Book Fair is held in conjunction with a local bookshop which sets up shop in the school for two days. Children in each form have an opportunity to browse and choose books to buy, with advice from staff. The bookshop gives a percentage of takings to the school library and parents can also buy a book to be donated to the school library by their daughter.

For parents

Non-academic issues can be raised by any parent through their Form Representative concerning such things as uniform, food or development projects.

A Heads’ Night is organised by the PA in the Summer Term, wherein a small group of Heads from senior schools (day and boarding) are invited to talk to parents about their schools, with plenty of opportunity for questions and parents can meet the Heads individually.

Second-hand uniform sales are held by the PA one morning twice a term in the entrance hall.